SEC 1 - Scuff, Point, Knee in, 1/4 turn right &step, cross rock, side, hold
1-2Scuff right forward, point right to right 3-4Pop right knee in, 1/4 turn right & step right in place (3:00) 5-6cross rock left over right, recover on right 7-8step left to the side, HOLD
SEC 2: Cross rock step,1/4 turn right &step right to the side, hold,
ball side touch, 1/4 turn left, 1/2 turn left
1-2cross rock right over left, recover on left 3-41/4 turn right &step right to right side, hold (6:00) &5-6close left in ball of foot to right, step right to the side, touch left to right 7-81/4 turn left & step left forward (3:00), 1/2 turn left & step right back (9:00)
SEC3: step left back, touch right forward, 1/4 right, 1/4 right,
step right back, touch left forward, step left forward, point right side
1-2step left back, touch right toe forward (bend right knee) 3-41/4 turn right & step on right(12:00), 1/4 turn right & step left back (3:00) 5-6step right back, touch left toe forward (bend left knee) 7-8step left forward, point right to the side
SEC 4: Weave 1/4 turn left, pivot 1/2 turn left, walk walk
1-2cross right over left, step left to the side 3-4cross right behind left, 1/4 turn left & step left forward (12:00) 5-6step right forward, 1/2 turn left & step left forward (6:00) 7-8walk right & left Have Fun!